Chiropractor Raymond Bunch D.C.

I was 19 years old and had absolutely nothing wrong with me, I thought. I went to a local chiropractor because I had heard that they could make things work better. I was looking for an edge or improvement in my performance. I stumped the doctor when I told him I had nothing wrong with me ( I had no symptoms). He was a rookie, just out of school and was “trained” to ask questions about health problems.
I went through the exam process, became a patient and decided to become a chiropractor to help others. After 5 years of undergrad education, I decided to go to a Chiropractic college in Southern California. Frankly, I wanted to move out of my home town and grow up a bit and that is why I chose a college in Los Angeles instead of Northern California. I very much excelled in school as I enjoyed it and was interested in many of the courses. I was inspired by several instructors along the way and started developing my own philosophy regarding treating and helping people.
"Chiropractic adds years to your life and life to your years!"
That philosophy has bloomed over some years in practice. I would say I am trying to help as many people as I can get healthy, naturally. I never was a medicine or drug taker, innately I just never liked it. I try now to help people handle the underlying causes of their problems, instead of doing things that just cover up the symptoms. I take care in educating them to make informed decisions about their health. The patients that respond best to care are those that really want to get to the bottom of it and fix it!
I am lucky to say I have a beautiful wife and two incredible daughters. In my time away from the practice I enjoy watching my two little ones (2 and 4) grow up. We go to the little gym and to the park for some outdoor fun. We go to Disneyland occasionally and we love the beach.
I enjoy sneaking out for a round of golf. It doesn’t happen that often but it is always fun when I do get to play. To hit a couple of good shots during a game keeps me coming back for more. I want to get my wife started so we can go out together and play.
Staying active and healthy is important to me. I do try to walk the talk. I get adjusted about once a month and more when I am training for a marathon. I get up early in the morning to do my corrective exercises, and I try to eat as best as I can. In these areas I really do understand my patients. I see how difficult it can be sometimes to maintain an exercise schedule or a high quality diet. I also see how that is with my family. I try hard to keep my wife and kids practicing healthy habits without me being a pest.

Thank you for your interest. If you are looking for a chiropractor in the Orange County area, please give us a call. I look forward to meeting you and finding out more about you and your health concerns. Give our Tustin office a call or email me and let’s find out if we can work together to help you get fit and healthy.